In today’s global economy, the efficient movement of goods and people is more important than ever. Our transportation practice covers all modes of transportation and puts us in the position to help our clients solve problems that cut across all the elements of the transportation sector. Our clients have included major railroads, some of the largest passenger cruise operators in the world, state and local transportation agencies, regional transportation authorities, ports, investment bankers, and trucking and marine trade associations. Our transportation policy team includes former local government officials and members of congressional staffs, former officials of the Executive branch as well as former U.S. Coast Guard and Navy lawyers and officers. Our government relations team maintains excellent relationships with all the congressional committees and administration agencies of relevance to transportation.
In what can be often turbulent waters in Washington, DC, our team of professionals helps navigate the legislative and political process for numerous port and maritime interests. The results have been substantive changes in maritime law, policy, and regulations affecting all aspects of vessel operations and construction, including financing, ownership, crewing, trading privileges, and environmental and safety compliance. These have ranged from all types of vessels in the domestic, international, and offshore segments of the industry, including workboats, drilling rigs, passenger vessels, and recreational vessels. We have a comprehensive understanding of international, federal, and state safety and environmental regimes governing ocean transportation.
From security concerns to budgetary constraints, the aviation industry is facing challenging times. Blank Rome has worked with industry leaders, in the U.S. and abroad, to influence changes in legislation and security regulations. We have worked with clients in many aspects of the aviation industry, including major air carriers, aircraft and component part manufacturers, and aviation insurance companies. We work closely with the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Public Transportation
Blank Rome’s clients have included major public agencies operating and building transit systems in major U.S. cities. We have the capability to assist in developing financial plans for public transit projects and in gaining Federal support for them. We have also represented the interests of equipment suppliers, engineers and construction firms serving the public transportation industry. Our services to industry include business development consulting, and legislative and regulatory representation in Washington.
Blank Rome has a strong track record in both the freight rail and passenger rail industries. We have represented railroads, suppliers and associations promoting rail transportation. We have helped develop legislation at the federal level to create new financial tools for the industry and have worked with the Department of Transportation and the Surface Transportation Board to help clients resolve implementation and regulatory issues. We secured customs clearance procedures for a U.S.-Canadian rail tour entity consistent with the US-Canadian Beyond the Borders initiative.
Through our representation of state transportation agencies, city governments, and leading industry players, Blank Rome has developed a strong expertise in surface transportation projects and the financing of major highway projects. We have had particular success influencing federal funding and policy in the periodic surface transportation program reauthorization legislation. We have worked to develop innovative financing tools for major highway projects and have assisted clients in taking advantage of them. We have also assisted clients in gaining sizable commitments of federal funds as well as programmatic changes through legislation. In addition we have worked on highway safety issues regarding the application of roadworthy and hazardous materials transport regulations.
We understand the impact of new customs and border policies affecting the transportation industry. We represent some of the largest passenger cruise vessels in the world on matters relating to travel in both domestic and international waters. For example, we recently obtained reversal of a Coast Guard order that would have required burdensome safety inspections of a vessel whenever it called at U.S. ports. We secured customs clearance procedures for a U.S.-Canadian rail tour entity consistent with the US-Canadian Beyond the Borders initiative.